

【海外の反応】『チェンソーマン』第10話ノンクレジットエンディング / CHAINSAW MAN #10 Ending│PEOPLE 1「DOGLAND」 2022/12/24 MartinPlayz I love how each ending leaves you spoilers that at first glance you don't see but once you read the whole manga you realize all the winks. 各エンディングが、一見すると見えないネタバレを残しているのが…

【海外の反応】『チェンソーマン』第9話ノンクレジットエンディング / CHAINSAW MAN #9 Ending│Aimer「Deep down」 2022/12/23 tsukki's glasses Fun Fact about this ending: Only one animator animated this whole ending, and his name is Masanobu Hiraoka. Kudos to him by making this ending beautiful このエンディングについての楽しい事実: この…

【海外の反応】『チェンソーマン』第8話ノンクレジットエンディング / CHAINSAW MAN #8 Ending│TK from 凛として時雨「first death」 2022/12/22 Lost Honestly the whole new ED every ep concept is amazing. 正直なところ、すべてのエピソードのコンセプトがまったく新しい ED は素晴らしいです。 like:1655 Anime Legends Nation Addicted to this ending the chaotic st…

【海外の反応】ピノキオピー - 君が生きてなくてよかった feat. 初音ミク / Thanks for being Lifeless 2022/12/22 yuulfuji This always helps me when I’m down. I’m a really big zelda fan, its kind of stupid but link helped me figure out my gender identity and the series in general helps me with my mental health. I think this …

【海外の反応】ピノキオピー - すきなことだけでいいです feat. 初音ミク / All I Need are Things I Like 2022/12/17 Doltrenn Thompson Great new music video great new song Hatsune Miku excellent performance Miku ‍ 素晴らしい新曲ミュージックビデオ素晴らしい新曲、初音ミク素晴らしいパフォーマンスミク‍ like:1 Ch33zymouse pinnochio-…

【海外の反応】ピノキオピー - ノンブレス・オブリージュ feat. 初音ミク / Non-breath oblige 2022/12/17 Hidey This song is fire. the first time I listened to this song was when I didn't know the translation and then I decided to check the meaning, and wow. This song is beautiful in both things. In lyrics and music.…

【海外の反応】ピノキオピー - 余命2:30 feat. 初音ミク / 2:30 Life Remaining 2022/12/05 Meipei天使 My goodness. This just gave me chills. It feels so sad because the thing is that Hatsune Miku is virtual and she only lives in that song. She's born at 0:01 and dies at 2:30 (Because it's her life in t…